Dedication Contributors Preface Acknowledgments Contributors to the First Edition Unit I: The Context of Interprofessional Primary Care Chapter 1: The Structure of Primary Care Chapter 2: Family and Culture Within the Context of Primary Care Chapter 3: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Chapter 4: Primary Care in the Community: Assessment and Use of Resources Chapter 5: Palliative Care Chapter 6: Appraising Clinical Practice Guidelines
Unit II: Cardiovascular Conditions Unit III: Dermatologic Conditions Unit IV: Endocrine Conditions Unit V: Gastroenterologic Conditions Chapter 17: Bowel Obstruction Chapter 18: Cirrhosis of the Liver Chapter 19: Gallbladder Chapter 20: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Chapter 21: Gastroenterologic Cancers Chapter 22: Hepatitis Chapter 23: Inflammatory Bowel Disease Chapter 24: Pancreatitis: Acute and Chronic Chapter 25: Peptic Ulcer Disease
Unit VI: Genitourinary Conditions Unit VII: Hematologic Conditions Unit VIII: Immunologic Conditions Unit IX: Musculoskeletal Conditions Chapter 39: Anterior Knee Pain Chapter 40: Articulation Injuries of the Ankle and Hip Chapter 41: Cumulative Trauma Disorder Chapter 42: Fibromyalgia and Diffuse Illnesses Chapter 43: Low Back Pain Chapter 44: Osteoarthritis Chapter 45: Osteoporosis Chapter 46: Plantar Fasciitis Chapter 47: Identification and Management of Temporomandibular Disorders
Unit X: Neurologic Conditions Chapter 48: Dementia and Delirium Chapter 49: Demyelinating Disease/Multiple Sclerosis Chapter 50: Dizziness, Vertigo, and Ataxia Chapter 51: Headache Chapter 52: Parkinson’s Disease Chapter 53: Peripheral Neuropathy Chapter 54: Seizure Disorders Chapter 55: Stroke, Transient Ischemic Attacks, and Carotid Stenosis
Unit XI: Psychiatric Conditions Unit XII: Reproductive Conditions Unit XIII: Respiratory Conditions
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Contributors to the First Edition
Dedication Contributors Preface Acknowledgments Contributors to the First Edition Unit I: The Context of Interprofessional Primary Care Chapter 1: The Structure of Primary Care Chapter 2: Family and Culture Within the Context of Primary Care Chapter 3: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Chapter 4: Primary Care in the Community: Assessment and Use of Resources Chapter 5: Palliative Care Chapter 6: Appraising Clinical Practice Guidelines
Unit II: Cardiovascular Conditions Unit III: Dermatologic Conditions Unit IV: Endocrine Conditions Unit V: Gastroenterologic Conditions Chapter 17: Bowel Obstruction Chapter 18: Cirrhosis of the Liver Chapter 19: Gallbladder Chapter 20: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Chapter 21: Gastroenterologic Cancers Chapter 22: Hepatitis Chapter 23: Inflammatory Bowel Disease Chapter 24: Pancreatitis: Acute and Chronic Chapter 25: Peptic Ulcer Disease
Unit VI: Genitourinary Conditions Unit VII: Hematologic Conditions Unit VIII: Immunologic Conditions Unit IX: Musculoskeletal Conditions Chapter 39: Anterior Knee Pain Chapter 40: Articulation Injuries of the Ankle and Hip Chapter 41: Cumulative Trauma Disorder Chapter 42: Fibromyalgia and Diffuse Illnesses Chapter 43: Low Back Pain Chapter 44: Osteoarthritis Chapter 45: Osteoporosis Chapter 46: Plantar Fasciitis Chapter 47: Identification and Management of Temporomandibular Disorders
Unit X: Neurologic Conditions Chapter 48: Dementia and Delirium Chapter 49: Demyelinating Disease/Multiple Sclerosis Chapter 50: Dizziness, Vertigo, and Ataxia Chapter 51: Headache Chapter 52: Parkinson’s Disease Chapter 53: Peripheral Neuropathy Chapter 54: Seizure Disorders Chapter 55: Stroke, Transient Ischemic Attacks, and Carotid Stenosis
Unit XI: Psychiatric Conditions Unit XII: Reproductive Conditions Unit XIII: Respiratory Conditions
Abdelmacksoud, Dalia, PharmD
Alexander, Cathy S., MD
Anderson, Matthew R., MD
Arce, Daisy A., MD
Arden, Alice M., RN, MA, ANP, CS
Benker, Karen, MPH, MD
Berk, Charles, MD
Bisson, John, MD
Breen, Gail, PharmD, BCPS
Buck-Rolland, Carol, RN, MS, PNP, OGNP
Bush, Harry L., Jr., MD
Cabello, Charlotte C., MSN, RN
Calikyan, Raffi, MD
Cannizzo, Francis, Jr., MD, PhD
Cardone, Dennis A., DO, CAQSM
Cennerazzo, Wanda J., MA, C-ANP
Cheng, Judy, PharmD
Ciervo, Alfonso, MD
Cohen, Henry, MS, PharmD
Cohen, Paul H., MD
Concert, Catherine M., MS, RN, CS, FNP
Dato, Carmel, RN, MS, CS
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Demetis, Spiro, MD, FCCP
DeRose, Joseph, Sr., MD
DeRose, Joseph, Jr., MD
DeRose, Marielaina S., MD
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Grillo, Joseph A., PharmD
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Harlow, Seth P., MD
Harris, Michael T., MD
Heurich, Albert E., MD
Hickey, Joanne, PhD, RN, CS, ACNP, CNRN, FAAN
Higgins, Ann, MS, RN, ANP
Hughes, Valerey, RN, BSN
Kaner, Steven, MD
Kasprisin, Duke, MD
Keith, Karen Anderson, PhD, RN, CS
Keith, Robert, PA-C
Kosko, Debbie, MN, FNP-C
Landers, Timothy F., RN, CS, CRNP, MA, MS
Lawson, Nuria, MD
Lowy, Steven, MD
MacDougall, Richard, RPA-C
Marguiles, RosaLinda, BSN, MPH, RNC
Marion, James F., MD
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Reilly, Joseph, PharmD
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Richardson, Stephen, MD, FACP
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