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Chapter 18: Advancing Evidence-Based Practice Through Mentoring and Interprofessional Collaboration

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  • Kauschinger, Elaine


Mentoring is a powerful experience that influences nursing careers and impacts patient care outcomes. The presence of a knowledgeable and committed evidence-based practice (EBP) mentor enhances learning the art and science of EBP for the mentee. This chapter presents two EBP scenarios that depict several positive and negative attempts at EBP mentoring. It explores nurses working together in both individual mentoring experiences and as members of interprofessional collaborative teams to further the implementation of EBP. Nurses have important roles in advancing EBP as part of interprofessional collaboration. Whether nurses are educators, clinicians, researchers, or administrators, they have critical responsibilities in contributing to interprofessional collaboration and EBP responsibilities. The chapter addresses the essential elements of mentorship and interprofessional collaboration for professional nursing development. It discusses mentoring and interprofessional collaboration as opportunities for nurses to have key leadership roles in the implementation and dissemination of EBP.