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Chapter 22: Preconception Counseling

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  • Postlethwaite, Debbie
  • Kostas-Polston, Elizabeth A.
  • Norcross, Kristi Rae


Preconception care should be a part of preventive health care for all women of reproductive age. The Healthy People 2020 objectives do set quantifiable goals and address several important contributors of preconception health such as increasing planned pregnancies and increasing folic acid intake by reproductive-age women. Infant mortality rates (IMR) are important international health indicators that assess the quality of the health of a nation and specifically the health of reproductive-aged women. Contraception is an essential component of preconception health because it facilitates a planned pregnancy. Adequate contraception is especially important in women exposed to teratogens, women with chronic conditions, women who have had a previous unintended pregnancy and all sexually active adolescents. Chronic medical conditions may affect the quality of preconception health. These include medical conditions such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), systemic lupus, seizure disorders, thyroid disease, and chronic depression.