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Chapter 8: Young Women’s Health

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  • Witkop, Catherine Takacs


This chapter provides an overview of young women’s health, beginning with considerations of the demographic characteristics of adolescents in the United States population. It examines the impact of disability, chronic illness, race/ethnicity, immigration and refugee status, socioeconomic and family status, and sexual orientation and identity on adolescents. The chapter also addresses alcohol and substance abuse in the context of peer, family, and community influences on adolescents. Adolescents with disabilities may have menstrual issues that are more complex than the common anovulatory cycles experienced by most young women after menarche. Data from the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) are referred to throughout the chapter to understand the most current exposures for U.S. adolescents. The chapter concludes with an outline of the female adolescent visit and consideration of specific conditions and challenges.