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Chapter 18: Health Considerations for Women Caregivers

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  • Berg, Judith
  • Woods, Nancy Fugate


This chapter examines a framework for considering the factors affecting caregivers’ health and health promotion practices, assessment and intervention for care givers and clinical applications of what we know about promoting caregivers’ health. A caregiver’s education may provide access to information that may be useful in providing caregiver services and obtaining information about the health problem of the person who is the care recipient. Caregiving for family members with dementia and other health problems has been associated with caregivers’ chronic physical and mental health problems in some studies, particularly when the caregiving is perceived as stressful. Caregivers with low income, depressive symptoms, and high-care demands were more likely to be in the high-risk group of family caregivers. Clinicians can provide useful information, emotional support, and coaching to women who are considering assuming the role of a caregiver.