Women’s Health Care in Advanced Practice Nursing, 2nd Edition

Archived edition


This book provides an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) in women’s health to aim for becoming an influential women’s health provider. It is divided into three parts, where Part 1 looks at women and their health from a population perspective by describing selected their sociodemographic characteristics, presents an overview of the current U.S. women health care workforce, and explores a gender-sensitive approach to health care for women, including integration for sexual and reproductive health (SRH). The section also discusses the risk factors of vulnerable women, and provides feminist frameworks for women’s health. Part II traces experiences of health and health promotion in young, midlife, and older women as a foundation for understanding well-woman’s health. It considers a psychosocial developmental perspective on women’s mental health, and examines the contexts for women’s health and the implications for health care. Women’s sexual health, including special considerations for women who are lesbians, transgender, bisexual, and questioning, warrants special attention of health care providers. In the last part of the book, an array of health problems are addressed that are unique to women, are more prevalent in women (such as breast cancer), and are managed in different ways for women (such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, and heart disease). Some consideration are linked most directly to reproductive health care, including sexual health dysfunctions, vulvar and vaginal health problems, perimenstrual and pelvic symptoms and syndromes, sexually transmitted infections, women’s experiences of HIV/AIDS, human papillomavirus, gynecologic cancers, menopause, osteoporosis, and unintended pregnancy.

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