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Chapter 11: Well Woman’s Health

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  • Johnson-Mallard, Versie
  • Kostas-Polston, Elizabeth A.


This chapter provides suggestions for conducting a sexual and reproductive health (SRH) physical examination and health history, as well as special considerations for adolescents and older women, and finally an update on age-specific health screening during a well-women visit. The well-woman visit is an opportunity to promote health by addressing health concerns and educating women about health risks and disease prevention. The adolescents and adults should undergo routine health screening processes such as lipid profile assessment, endocrine screening, screening mammography and cervical cancer screening for self- management of their health. The goal of colorectal screening in women is to reduce mortality from gastrointestinal system cancer. Nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, physicians, and physician assistants are trained to translate evidence into practice at the point of care, thereby improving the quality of health care delivery and access to comprehensive preventive care.