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Chapter 17: Healthcare Innovation: Bringing the Buzzword to Real-World Healthcare Settings

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  • Albert, Nancy M.
  • Raderstorf, Tim


Buzzwords get their name because they are used, and even overused, in a specific context. Innovation is one of many buzzwords used in real-world healthcare settings, as leaders want to believe they support innovation. This chapter explores how embedding innovation into our organization will improve outcomes and the overall health of our organization. Team-building, teamwork, and collaboration are essential elements for launching and leading innovation. The chapter describes how innovation is a core competency of healthcare practice, describes the value of clinical innovations in healthcare settings, and explains how innovation influences health transformations. It helps the reader to enumerate the key characteristics that promote innovation by healthcare employees, identify foundational structures/systems/processes that drive real-world innovative thinking, and summarize principles that facilitate healthcare providers to be innovators. Resources are needed to assist healthcare workers understand that innovation is for all workers, at all levels.