Evidence-Based Leadership, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare, 2nd Edition

A Practical Guide to Success
There are other editions available.
This is the most recent edition.








As leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, and educators, we are painfully aware that the unknowns in healthcare are growing more rapidly and more broadly than what is known. With that in mind, the authors have developed this book on leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship to provide us with an evidence-based approach to maximize our leadership and innovation potential. This practical guide will prepare us to lead our organization into the uncertainty of the future and make a positive impact in the world. The book is organized into three distinct sections: leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship. By studying and applying the evidence-based principles of leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship, the reader will emerge as a more confident and prepared leader to advance a team or organization to its optimal potential. The purpose of this book is to stimulate us to think and act differently by strengthening our leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurial skills in nursing and healthcare. Multiple real-world examples are provided with direct applicability to practice. Each chapter is filled with motivational quotes related to the content to inspire and challenge readers to put the lessons into practice. Embedded within each chapter are multiple calls to action and practical exercises to help develop specific skills related to the content. Podcast recordings, featuring discussions with prolific leaders and innovators, supplement the text.

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