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Chapter 25: Broaching Race and Other Cultural Identities

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  • Day-Vines, Norma L.
  • Young, Anita


Broaching refers to the counselor’s effort to explore the contextual dimensions of race, ethnicity, and culture with clients. This chapter provides an overview of the broaching framework, which includes four components. First, the Continuum of Broaching Behavior identifies orientations counselors can assume as they decide whether or not to broach. Second, the Multidimensional Model of Broaching Behavior is a conceptual tool for exploring specific broaching topics and contexts. Third, the broaching framework provides a step-by-step guide to assist counselors as they discuss race, ethnicity and culture with clients. Finally, the Organizational Continuum of Broaching Behavior examines the extent to which organizations address racial, ethnic, and cultural concerns.