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Chapter 18: Culturally Responsive Counseling for Older Adults and Addressing Ageism

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  • George, Whitney


Ageism is the most prevalent form of prejudice, and it affects older adults and younger people similarly (Bratt et al., 2020). Ageism occurs when someone is discriminated against based on their age, and this can happen at both ends of the life span (Raymer et al., 2017). This chapter focuses on topics such as ageism and reverse ageism; age-related mental health concerns; the effects of race, class, ethnicity, gender, and sexual identity related to aging and ageism; and competencies related to working with older clients. Cultural concepts focusing on the liberation counseling framework are discussed, as are aging and counseling ethics. Topics are discussed in the context of the life span as a whole and looking at the client from a humanistic model. Implications for counseling students, educators, and practitioners are provided.