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Chapter 15: Taking Action, Shaping the Future

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  • Patton, Rebecca M.
  • Zalon, Margarete L.
  • Ludwick, Ruth


Numerous strides have been made in policy when nurses are involved, but the reality is that to keep pace with the numerous changes in healthcare, it is imperative that all nurses across all settings be involved in policy. Nurses in all settings, including those in leadership roles, APRNs, nurse managers, administrators, educators, and researchers have tremendous opportunities and responsibilities to influence future generations of nurses. Widespread involvement requires a paradigm shift to nurses' active widespread involvement in policy. This chapter closely examines the creation of a paradigm shift to nurses’ greater involvement in policy, creating the structures and processes to facilitate such involvement. It presents a Policy Challenge that illustrates how the commitment to policy can unfold and grow. Increasing nurses’ engagement in policy is vital to advancing policy for the profession and the health of the public.