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Chapter 3: Navigating the Political System

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  • Sullivan-Marx, Eileen M.
  • Apold, Susan


This chapter discusses opportunities for nurses to engage in the policy process that are not as widely known or as visible. These include actively participating in professional association memberships, contributing to political action committees, writing letters, sitting on local community boards, registering to vote and voting, engaging in the development of proposed legislation, testifying, writing comments on federal or state regulatory rule making, working on campaigns, and vetting local politicians for endorsement by organizations. The chapter examines the details of these activities, discusses the key features of governmental processes because understanding these processes is vital to accepting policy opportunities. Much of the focus of this chapter is on the processes at the federal level, recognizing that there are similarities, but diversity in structure and processes, at the state and local levels. Equally important is appreciating the long view of policy; creation and implementation can take years, with many different stakeholders.