Marriage and Family Therapy, 3rd Edition

A Practice-Oriented Approach
There are other editions available.
This is the most recent edition.








This is a book for students who desire to not only learn the theories behind marriage and family therapy, but to know how to begin the practice of marriage and family therapy. This book was initially conceptualized by students, and it grew into a practice-oriented approach with interviews with master therapists and one dissected case study throughout the book. What makes this book unique is that each chapter on one of the marriage and family therapy models provides a guiding template, providing step by step how the model was conceptualized by the creators. The template is meant as a guide, of course, since families often present with a variety of concerns. Yet, even when they do, the guiding template can help the new therapist see where to go when family concerns present themselves. In addition to the chapters on marriage and family therapy models, there are chapters on self-care of the therapist, ethics, telehealth, neuroscience, family crises, supervision, medical family therapy and social justice. Podcasts and videos are also provided for most chapters so your students can “watch, listen and learn” as they review the chapter.

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