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Chapter 49: Prevention and Management of Operating Room Fires




  • Moriber, Nancy A.


Simulation as a summative assessment tool allows for assessment of the critical thinking, prioritization, and interprofessional skills necessary for the provision of safe patient care in a highly complex patient-care environment. This chapter focuses on the prevention and management of operating room (OR) fires. The students participating are required to identify high-risk situations, institute preventative measures, and appropriately manage an OR fire that occurs. The scenario is based on recommendations set forth by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Operating Room Fires. Crises occur in all practice settings and a coordinated, rapid response is essential to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients. However, not all practitioners possess the fundamental knowledge or skill to manage them appropriately. It is therefore recommended that nurses at all levels of clinical training and expertise participate in simulations that target these specific crisis situations.