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23: Lesbian and Bisexual Women of Color, Racism, Heterosexism, Homophobia, and Health: A Recommended Intervention and Research Agenda




  • Greene, Beverly
  • Miville, Marie L.
  • Ferguson, Angela D.


This chapter describes the impact of intersecting identities that affect lesbian and bisexual (LB) women of color. It discusses the communication and legal concerns that may lead to complex and difficult diagnostic and treatment considerations and problems of access to health care, and offers recommendations for health care researchers and practitioners. The chapter refers to the concept of multiple identities or the notion that most patients have more than one important locus of identity and that they may include more than one identity that is disadvantaged. This is particularly relevant for LB women of color. The Communication and legal issues are illustrated via two brief cases, which demonstrate a number of communication issues that often arise in the acquisition of important medical information from LB women of color. Sexism and heterosexism affect women of color and White women differently. Racism affects African American heterosexual, lesbian, and bisexual women differently.