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3: Toward Evidence-Based and Culturally Appropriate Models for Reducing Global Health Disparities: An Africanist Perspective




  • Airhihenbuwa, Collins O.
  • Okoror, Titilayo A.


This chapter offers a compelling example of the kind of new perspectives needed to guide the field of equity in health. It presents an Africanist perspective that highlights the important role of evidence-based and culturally appropriate models for reducing global health disparities. The chapter describes the PEN-3 cultural model. The model is composed of three primary domains: Cultural Identity, Relationships and Expectations, and Cultural Empowerment. When a health issue is identified, a 3 × 3 table is created to group the interaction between the domain of Relationships and Expectations with the domain of Cultural Empowerment. The chapter discusses the three categories of Relationships and Expectations: perception, enablers, and nurturers. Cultural Empowerment is an affirmation of the possibilities of culture, which ranges from positive to negative. The Cultural Empowerment domain is composed of three categories: positive, existential, and negative. The Cultural Identity domain is used to determine point of intervention entry.