Shaping Health Policy Through Nursing Research









Change in health policy making will only come when nurses and nurse researchers themselves become policy leaders. This book is intended to help stimulate the reader to embrace the idea of shaping health policy through nursing research. It provides both a conceptual orientation to science/research shaping health policy as well as an operational approach to strategies for linking research to policy and influencing policy makers at the organizational, community, state, national, and international levels. The book is divided into three parts. In the first part, a set of chapters provide a context for science shaping policy, an introduction to models and strategies through which research can inform policy making, and an examination of the relationship of science policy to health policy. The three models that integrate evidence in the policy-making process, where research can be used to inform policy, are: data-driven policymaking, evidence-informed health policy, and the policy cycle ― moving from issue to policy. Understanding the association of public policy to science policy and science policy to programs of research and scholarship should be an expectation of active scientists and for scientist education. Part II outlines a series of nursing research programs that have had an impact on health policy at multiple levels. Separate chapters explore the translation of personal challenges to public policy, shaping HIV/AIDS prevention policy for the minorities, promotion of childhood health, improvement of end-of-life care, improvement of health outcomes and reduction of costs for chronically ill older adults, and saving lives and improving patient care outcomes. The third part summarizes the valuable lessons learned from senior nurse investigators recounting their experiences and addresses future directions for nursing research in shaping health policy.

3: Shaping Health Policy: The Role of Nursing Research—Three Frameworks and Their Application to Policy Development




  • Shamian, Judith | 
  • Shamian-Ellen, Moriah


Policy making is complex, and many factors play into it. Factors like political ideology, political will, public opinion, stakeholder engagement, media coverage, and others, influence the policy-development process. Policy decisions of governments are so different despite the fact that there is only one set of evidence. This chapter helps the reader to understand the factors that contribute to final decision making. While the notion of evidenced-based policy is used in most policy development, there is growing science to help advance and strengthen this practice. This chapter describes three models that integrate evidence in the policy-making process, where research can be used to inform policy. The three models include: data-driven policymaking, evidence-informed health policy, and the policy cycle-moving from issue to policy. The healthcare and nursing community can benefit significantly by adapting the tools for evidence-informed policy development.