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6: Using Evidence-Based Practice to Enhance Organizational Policies, Healthcare Quality, and Patient Outcomes




  • Mazrek Melnyk, Bernadette
  • Williamson, Kathleen M.


This chapter discusses the evidence-based practice (EBP) paradigm and how it can be used to guide and improve organizational policies, healthcare quality, and patient outcomes. EBP is a problem-solving approach to the delivery of healthcare that integrates the best evidence from well-designed studies with a clinician’s expertise and patients’ preferences and values. Important components of clinical expertise in the EBP paradigm include: data gathered from a thorough patient assessment, internal evidence generated from outcomes management, quality improvement initiatives, and EBP implementation projects, and the evaluation of and use of available resources necessary to achieve desired patient outcomes. The chapter describes the difference between external and internal evidence, with an emphasis on how both types of evidence are important for changing institutional policies. It highlights the outcomes management and types of data collection systems that can be used to inform organizational policies.