Occupational Health Psychology

Work, Stress, and Health








This book for undergraduate and graduate survey courses encompasses a wide range of key issues in occupational health psychology (OHP) from a North American perspective. It draws from the domains of psychology, public health, preventive medicine, nursing, industrial engineering, law, and epidemiology to focus on the theory and practice of protecting and promoting the health, well-being, and safety of individuals in the workplace and improving the quality of work life. The book addresses key psychosocial work issues that are often related to mental and physical health problems, including psychological distress, burnout, depression, accidental injury, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. It examines leadership styles as they impact organizational culture and provides specific recommendations for reducing employee-related stress through improved leader practices. Also addressed is the relationship between adverse psychosocial working conditions and harmful health behaviors, along with interventions aimed at improving the work environment and maximizing effectiveness. Additionally, the book discusses how scientists and practitioners in OHP conduct research and other important concerns such as workplace violence, work/life balance, and safety.

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