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6: Self-Care and Use of Complementary Therapies




  • Riegel, Barbara
  • Lindquist, Ruth


Self-care is essential for health and everyone engages in some form of self-care daily with food choices, tooth brushing, sleeping, controlling stress, and the like. Self-care was the primary form of health care long before the medical establishment as we now know it came into existence. By necessity, people have been managing their own health and that of their loved ones since the beginning of humankind. Broadly speaking, self-care can also be understood to embrace choices and wisdom related to environmental exposures (e.g., elements of heat and cold, air quality, light and sun), stress management, recreation, recreational drugs, and dietary supplements. Self-care is also important to nonprofessional and professional caregivers. Likewise, self-care is important to nurses, nursing students, and other healthcare providers. This chapter focuses on self-care for nurses and nursing students and the role they play in educating communities, patients, caregivers, and families about the importance of self-care.