A New Era in Global Health

Nursing and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development








This book is designed to raise the awareness of fellow nursing colleagues about the opportunities that exist for them in aiding governments and health infrastructures to obtain the targets established by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Additionally, it provides ample opportunities for the profession to integrate global considerations into nursing curricula, research efforts, and practice initiatives right now. The book first provides a background of emerging considerations in global nursing and global health for personal-planetary transformation, a brief history and future directions of the relationship between nursing and the UN, guidelines for global leadership and discussion of the importance of global citizenship, and ethics in the global health context. Then, it provides a primer on the 17 SDGs. Readers will find information about the SDG targets, options for how nursing can play direct and indirect roles in furthering the priorities of each goal, and the current initiatives under way that deserve global nursing’s input and partnership if they are to be truly effective. Finally, the book articulates a vision for the future of global nursing and global health, one that: moves from the firsthand global wisdom of nurses who guide us to further the SDGs in countries around the world; requires us to be reflective as individuals, with partners, groups, organizations, and communities as we commit to sustainable development; creates a collaboration consciousness to engender unity and peace; and illustrates a Post-2030 Agenda, beyond the SDGs, for planetary health.

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