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12: LGBTQ Health Equity

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  • Warren, Jacob C.
  • Smalley, K. Bryant
  • Fernández, M. Isabel


Recent years have seen immense growth in the level of social acceptance of individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other sexual and gender minority groups (LGBTQ). This chapter takes a broader, more holistic view of LGBTQ health equity. It begins with a summary of the terminology associated with LGBTQ health, followed by a summary of the recognized barriers that LGBTQ populations face when seeking to achieve health. The chapter then provides a brief overview of the data-driven health disparities that exist within the LGBTQ community, followed by specific discussion of LGBTQ subgroups with their own unique health equity considerations (e.g., transgender men and women). Finally, the chapter provides an overview of recommendations for professionals seeking to improve LGBTQ health equity, illustrated by a case example.