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Chapter 9: Practice Study Step S1: Root Causes and Alternative Solutions




Possible root causes are an extensive list of possible underlying reasons for the difficulties in a problem area. There are two substeps in the Root Causes and Alternative Solutions step in the Study phase of the Problem-Solving Method: S1.1, Generate possible root causes for each problem area; and S1.2, Generate potential alternative solutions. In the first step of the Study phase, the readers are encouraged to brainstorm, speculate, and engage in divergent, creative thinking. Brainstorming is also a productive way to generate ideas. As part of the brainstorming process, utilizing Lean tools, such as asking the “5 Whys” and developing cause–effect (fishbone) diagrams, is also helpful. Finally, in continuing with the “never assume” mindset, when problems arise in the organization in which one works, one must always consider the possibility that oneself is a possible root cause of a difficulty.