Developing Online Courses in Nursing Education, 4th Edition

There are other editions available.
This is the most recent edition.








A comment in the preface of the last edition was that some things are the same and some things are different. In this edition, the conclusion is that some things are the same, and they are the basics of teaching and learning online. The very different things include technology and new structures for teaching and learning. What is on the horizon? In addition to traditional education, massive online open courses, certificates, badges, and stackable degrees will provide education for the purpose of training and retraining. This edition is still about using the web and all its richness to teach students and professional nurses how to use technology and to maintain competency and embrace lifelong learning as a nursing professional. This book describes definitions, history, and best practices for teaching online, and they form a foundational knowledge base for teaching. It identifies the impacts of demographics, finance, technology, and career development on teaching and learning using alternative teaching structures. Pedagogy and the study of learning provides the theory to develop effective educational programs. The book introduces theories and frameworks that guide the development and use of flexible learning environments. Guiding structures of online learning are applicable when developing traditional and alternative learning environments. The book also deals with reconceptualizing course content from face-to-face to an online environment; creating blended-learning environments; developing, teaching, and evaluating professional education; and establishing the pedagogical foundations of teaching continuing medical education. The technology courseware and software necessary to teach in online environments, manage online learning, and assess and evaluate learning in online environments are pertinent topics for teaching online. The book finally introduces the characteristics that the nurse educator needs in developing and teaching in flexible and creative environments and explains how nurse educators are supporting the direction of the future trends for nursing.

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