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6: Caring Science–Native Science: Paving Pathways of Courageous Authenticity, Advocacy, and Agency




  • McDermott, Shawna M.


Caring Science is a sacred science, a way of knowing, doing, being, and becoming that recognizes the divine and embraces the vulnerability of self and other. This chapter defines values and constructs that encapsulate a Native Science worldview. It helps the caring-healing nurse to recognize the expansive power and possibilities that arise from within a Caring Science–Native Science sphere of consciousness. The chapter helps the caring-healing nurse to develop a broader sense of self that reinforces an intrinsic value of being in relationship with the people, places, and (living and inanimate) things that exist in the world. At a level of universal consciousness, Native Science embodies an ethereal vastness as much as an intricate root system, whereas Caring Science embodies the energetic fields of connection that fill the spaces in between. The chapter identifies pathways of courageous authenticity, advocacy, and agency within a professional and personal context.