
This work started with a vision to create a handbook that would provide readers with a rich and comprehensive literary source rooted in Human Caring Science wisdom. I believe we have successfully compiled a substantial, heart-centered guide to inform the future unfolding of Caring Science scholarship. I am deeply honored and humbled to have had a small hand in its journey toward the light.

My sincerest gratitude to Springer Publishing Company and Margaret Zuccarini for your shared belief and trustworthy partnership in accomplishing this vision.

My sincerest gratitude to the chapter authors; your words enlighten with your unabashed commitment to caring-healing. The entire editorial team bows to each of you for your inspiration and relentless advocacy of Caring Science dissemination.

Dr. Sara Horton-Deutsch, your friendship helped to guide me through this project with love, compassion, and understanding. I am so grateful to and continue to learn from you in so many ways.

Dr. Jean Watson, you continue to amaze and humble me with your generous heart and mentorship. I am forever awed by your willingness to elevate the next generations of Caring Science leaders and to help usher all of us to our next levels of self-growth and self-discovery.

Drs. Marilyn Ray, Marlaine Smith, and Marian Turkel, and Grissel Hernandez, your fierce dedication to Caring Science is palpable throughout this volume of vision. Endless thanks for trusting me to spearhead this book and for your myriad contributions to its realization.

Dr. Diane Gullett—our “hub” of Caring Science communication—please believe me when I say that none of this would be possible without you. How honored we are to know and have you!

Mom and Dad, you always have a hand in every word. I love you.

Michael—whole, perfect, and complete—and so deeply, deeply loved.

To nurses everywhere who may read and come to embody this work, please know you are always cared for and supported.

Wishing you all endless waves of compassion and caring for the road ahead.


I humbly and gratefully acknowledge the cocreators of this handbook—editors, authors, mentors, students, friends, Caritas colleagues. I have grown from your knowledge and wisdom to understand and appreciate there is always more to Caring Science than we can ever imagine. Collaborating with you has enriched my life by teaching me the value of opening myself—to surrender as an act of power and courage; this conscious choice leading to new energy, to new creation, to present forward.

I am honored to share this collection of works with our nurse and healthcare colleagues around the world as a source of scholarship for healing, hope, and wholeness—enlightening the world to “seeing” how healthcare as a healing art nurtures and sustains humanity.

Thank you, I love you.


First, my dedication with deep gratitude to my beloved historic Caring Science scholars/colleagues who were the original faculty associates of Watson Caring Science Institute (WCSI), who birthed and journeyed WCSI with me, cocreating, and implementing the Caritas Coach Educational Program (CCEP). They include Dr. Jim D’Alfonso, Dr. Jan Anderson, Dr. Gayle Casterline, Dr. Marliene Goldin, Dr. Lois Kelly, Dr. Mary Rockwood Lane, Dr. Linda Ryan, Dr. Marian Turkel, Dr. Lynne Wagner, Dr. Sharon Cumbie, and Marilyn Fogerty, Mary Jane McGraw, Terri Woodward. Without this group of dedicated Caring Science scholars, educators, and caring-healing practitioners, along with the original board of directors believing in me and this work, WCSI and the nature and extent of local, national, and global Caring Science programs would not have come into existence.

Second, my sincere bow to Mr. Rosa and Dr. Sara Horton-Deutsch for their leadership and vision for this manuscript as an important contribution to the growing global scholarship in Caring Science; their prescience is already legendary by generating such a comprehensive tome of collective works by experts in Human Caring Science. Enduring heart thanks for your devotion to this field of study, as you continue on your path of living Caring Science scholarship. Your gifts of self and sacrifice for this work stand out in our world—a world in need of new voices for a new generation, for a new era for humankind. You are showing the way.

Finally, but ironically first in my heart, I dedicate my deep love and awe to nurse partners, colleagues, and human caring practitioners all over the world, wherever you may be in the world, and wherever you may be in the work of compassionate Caring Science, human service. You are the ones who inspire me, inform me, teach me, guide me, touch me, and affirm my writings, my theory, my teachings, my vision and voice for Human Caring Science. I am in gratitude to the human caring you each offer, often behind the scenes, as nursing’s gift to humanity to sustain Human Caring Science. You, wherever you are in the world, are the ones contributing to nursing coming of age as a distinct caring-healing health profession for our world and a new era for humanity. I offer you, all, my love and light!
