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6: Networking: An Essential Mentoring Tool




This chapter provides the basics of networks and networking, how and where to make connections, and the successful networker’s important skills and tools. A network is a web of interpersonal and technological connections and relationships. In the nursing profession there are numerous specialty associations that are highly organized to help their members connect face-to-face with each other. These networking connections serve many purposes: learning about new trends, engaging in policy and political action, and mentoring each other. Tapping into online networks, such as forums, discussion boards, listserve groups, and blogging sites, has become essential for expanding personal and professional contacts. Online social and professional engagement has created effective networking opportunities. Global sharing and electronic mentoring are now possible with professional colleagues around the world. Nurses have a strong networking advantage for sharing and making connections. Networking tools include an up-to-date resume, business cards, address books, and electronic networking sites.