During my career journey, special colleagues and I have shared the magic of mentoring. One of these nursing colleagues has been a continuing source of inspiration and influence. Dr. Ruth Watson Lubic is a renowned international nurse midwife and the first nursing recipient of the MacArthur Foundation “genius award” for her role in contributing to a better world. Ruth is a powerful role model, innovator, and advocate—a true hero and nursing leader extraordinaire. I deeply admire her passion for her patients (always first and foremost in her thoughts and actions), her colleagues, and her profession. She is a reminder of the power of one person to make a difference in a single life and thousands of lives. Ruth does “her magic” with unwavering determination. She once gave me her Principles for a Successful Professional Life, which I have given to numerous students and nurses. I share Dr. Lubic’s “secrets of success” with you on the following page as a special gift on your journey to career success and happiness. Good Luck!
Principles for a Successful Professional Life
Begin with the needs of the people you serve.
Take care of all the people of the nation.
Trust your caring instincts.
Learn to tolerate uncertainty and ambiguity.
Choose your colleagues for their caring philosophy, not just their preparation.
Be aware that the medical model has failed to serve all the people of the nation.
Avoid anger—it consumes energy and clouds your vision.
Avoid bitterness against opponents, a useless distraction.
Value the giving and receiving of truth.
Strengthen your sense of humor—it can neutralize opposition and brighten the darkest days.
Recognize the importance of persistence.
Base a design for change on the best science possible and then test your performance.
Overcome the fears associated with leadership.
Remember: The people you serve are your strength. Listen to them. You will be rewarded.
Source: Adapted from Ruth W. Lubic, 2010, with permission.