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Chapter 12: The Role of Midwives and Nurses in Reducing Global Maternal Mortality Around the World and in Haiti

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  • George, Erin


This chapter provides the current state of global maternal mortality rates and explores the causes of maternal mortality through a gender equity and women’s rights perspective. It offers a review of midwifery and nursing efforts to eliminate maternal mortality around the globe and a case study of midwifery, nursing, and maternal mortality in Haiti. The most recent worldwide effort to reduce global maternal mortality and foster the political, social, and economic wills of countries to end some disparities in maternal deaths is the pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The obstetric causes of maternal deaths around the world occur at the intersection of gender equity, women’s rights, and poverty. Midwives and nurses have a specific duty to support women’s health and to advocate for the resources necessary to reduce maternal mortality, increase access to family planning, and elevate the pursuit of gender equity and women’s rights around the globe.