Handbook of Prostate Cancer and Other Genitourinary Malignancies









Genitourinary malignancies represent a wide spectrum of risk and prognosis. This handbook aims to provide a broad overview and current summary of the state of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of genitourinary malignancies. It is useful for clinicians at multiple stages in medical and surgical specialties: in training, early in a career, and looking for updated information. With the ability to reference quickly for a specific question, or review a larger section all at once, the reader can customize the depth with which he or she uses the handbook. The book is divided into two sections: prostate cancer and genitourinary malignancies. The first section is further divided into two sub-sections: early stage prostate cancer and advanced prostate cancer. Screening and management of early stage prostate cancer are included here. Treatment of metastatic cancer, and bone health and the use of adjunctive agents are covered in the second sub-section. Intermittent androgen ablation, therapy complications, controversies in management of the cancer, and the challenges faced by survivors form a part of the two sub-sections. Under genitourinary malignancies, kidney cancer, upper tract urothelial cancer, bladder cancer, testicular cancer, and penile cancer are covered. As earlier, controversies in management and survivorship issues are also covered for the various types of malignancies.

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