Global Advances in Human Caring Literacy









This narrative-based book is the first to describe Human Caring Literacy from the perspective of caring scientists who “live the life” by incorporating the precepts of human caring into every aspect of their personal and professional lives. It describes the methods that help practitioners develop mindfulness, reflection, authentic presence, intentionality, and a caring consciousness in the service of providing authentic, heart-centered care for patients, their families, and societies. Critical Caritas Literacy ultimately is an ontology of being/becoming that comes from within the subjective inner lifeworld of each person, morally aroused for reflective and contemplative self-growth, self-caring experiences that contribute to the whole of humanity. Having a high level of Caritas Literacy allows one to quickly form deep, trusting relationships, often within the first hour of meeting. There is a professional requirement for nurses to achieve competence in the delivery of spiritual care and to assess and meet the spiritual needs of their patients. Culturally competent care can relieve medical and social ills, poor cultural competency reproduces stereotypes and may lead to further microlevel conflict. Structurally, health care settings can facilitate nurse’s dual role as conflict mitigator by caring for nurses, providing burnout prevention, providing self-care rooms and staff support, and offering frequent debriefing with the aid of holistic healers, chaplains, and social workers.

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