Caring Science, Mindful Practice, 2nd Edition

Implementing Watson’s Human Caring Theory
There are other editions available.
This is the most recent edition.








This book can serve as a guided learning text for any student, practitioner, educator, or administrator needing a graceful and inviting guide to translate and integrate the complexities of the abstract, philosophical-ethical worldview underlying the Human Caring Theory; finding ways to live out into concrete daily self-caring practices. It is organized into two sections containing 15 chapters. The book is arranged to provide a simple and direct method for learning about and working with Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. The first chapter describes the use of mindfulness to cultivate understanding of Watson’s Theory of Caring. Chapters two to four presents overview of Watson’s theory, Nhat Hanh’s mindfulness practices and perspectives, and Layers of Caring and Mindful Influence. Chapters five to fourteen describe each of Watson’s 10 Caritas Processes along with project abstracts that illustrate integration of the theory into professional practice in a variety of areas. The 10 Caritas Processes are as follows: embrace altruistic values and practice loving kindness with self and others; enable faith and hope, and honor others; be sensitive to self and others by nurturing individual beliefs and practices; develop helping-trusting-caring relationships; promote and accept positive and negative feelings as you authentically listen to another’s story; use creative scientific problem-solving methods for caring decision making and creative solution-seeking; share teaching and learning that addresses individual needs and comprehension styles; create a healing environment for the physical and spiritual self that respects human dignity; assist with basic physical, emotional, and spiritual human needs; and open to mystery and allow miracles to enter. The concluding chapter provides caring touchstones to support caring consciousness in day-to-day settings.

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