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33: The Use of Ultrasound With Electrodiagnosis




  • Strakowski, Jeffrey A.


High frequency ultrasound is an excellent complimentary modality to electrodiagnostic techniques. It provides detailed anatomic correlation to the physiologic information obtained with electrodiagnosis. It has many advantages for assessing neuromuscular conditions over other imaging modalities. It can be used to assess pathology in peripheral nerves, mimicking neuromuscular conditions and muscles diseases. It can also be used to safely guide electromyography needle insertion in vulnerable regions and assist with anatomic localization of challenging nerves and muscles. This chapter discusses the uses of ultrasound with electrodiagnosis. It list out the advantages of using ultrasound with electrophysiologic techniques and over other imaging techniques. The chapter provides the principles of imaging peripheral nerves with ultrasound. It also provides imaging strategies to improve visualization of peripheral nerves and principles of imaging muscle for neuromuscular assessment with ultrasound.