Comprehensive Systematic Review for Advanced Practice Nursing, 3rd Edition

There are other editions available.
This is the most recent edition.








Nurses are finding themselves at the epicenter of a now well-entrenched shift from expert-driven practice to evidence-based healthcare. A culture where evidence is routinely used in daily practice to improve outcomes is an emerging reality. Producing, applying, and using that evidence in decision making is a critical task; a task to which all nurses strive. This expertise will position clinical leaders not only to make decisions about care based on evidence but to participate in systematic review teams to advance evidence for practice. Originally thought of to be a sophisticated review of the literature, systematic reviews are now seen as not only a legitimate research method, but also the foundation upon which to build an evidence-based practice. The third edition of this book not only helps those new to this method understand its foundation, but also guides those seeking to learn the latest developments in this rapidly developing field. To this end, all chapters have been updated and include descriptions of the latest methodological advances including living systematic reviews and dominance scores for economic review. Importantly, the book includes new chapters on choosing the right critical appraisal tool, writing the final report and disseminating the results of a review, including how to write a policy brief and/or press release on the results of a review. It represents an important resource for the next generation of health professionals and potential leaders in evidence-based health care. The book provides the readers with skill sets to identify, retrieve, appraise, and synthesize evidence for use at the point of care. It empowers and changes the way in which one approaches decision making. The book will ultimately improve the interactions with colleagues and patients alike and result in better health outcomes.

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