Fast Facts for Nurse Practitioners

Practice Essentials for Clinical Subspecialties








This book begins by exploring how the role of the nurse practitioner has evolved and will continue to play an essential role in shaping healthcare–both today and in the future. Nursing has long been referred to as both an art and a science. It is a practice discipline. Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) typically maintain competency by obtaining certifications, attending conferences, reading journals, and completing continuing education activities. The book describes what was learned and provides the reader with the current standards of practice in the evaluation and management of conditions typically presented in primary care settings. It stimulates both critical thinking and clinical reasoning. The book serves as a resource to advanced practice nursing students as well as practicing nurse practitioners. Each chapter presents a different clinical specialty area. Common primary care conditions are described with corresponding management plans. Although scientific and evidence-based, the format presents information to the reader as part of a journey, making the book more accessible than the traditional textbook. Global, complex health challenges must be solved in interdisciplinary, collaborative ways, and APRNs must work alongside all members of the healthcare team meaningfully and effectively. The goal of this book is for a seasoned nurse practitioner to share practical guidance, which supports the reader to be better prepared in the provision of high-quality primary care to their clients and families.

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