Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review, 4th Edition

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This book concentrates on board-related concepts in the field of Rehabilitation Medicine. It will appeal to medical students, residents, and practicing physiatrists. Residents will find the book essential in preparing for Part I and Part II of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) Board Certification because it is one of the only books of its kind with major focus on board-related material giving a synopsis of up-to-date PM&R orthopedic, neurologic, and general medical information all in one place. Over 500 diagrams simplify material that is board pertinent. The topics are divided into major subspecialty areas such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, musculoskeletal medicine, electrodiagnostic medicine, prosthetics and orthotics, spinal cord injuries, physical modalities, pulmonary, cardiac, and cancer rehabilitation, pediatric rehabilitation, and pain medicine. All chapters are authored by physicians with special interests and clinical expertise in the respective subjects. Board pearls are highlighted with an open-book icon throughout the text. These pearls are aimed at stressing the clinical and board-eligible aspects of the topics. The content is modeled after the topic selection of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Self-Assessment Examination for Residents (SAE-R) Content Outline. This was done specifically to help all residents, post graduates in yearly preparation and carryover from the SAE preparation to board exam preparation. Practicing physiatrists should also find this book helpful in preparation for the recertifying exam.

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