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Chapter 9: Spread of the Model to Other Health Populations




This chapter provides an overview of the history of the development of chronic group care, one design for CenteringPregnancy® for women with diabetes, and vignettes describing the use of the Centering model for populations across the spectrum of health care. Women are responsible for complex self-management decisions such as balancing food intake, activity, blood glucose levels, and medication use. Diabetes education and knowledge of the needs of the growing fetus help mothers understand how blood glucose control affects and is affected by the pregnancy. Centering and Chronic Pelvic Pain (Centering CPP) impact a woman’s quality of life, including the ability to participate in normal activities of daily living, sexual functioning, and emotional well-being. The Centering model was chosen for this work because it provides assessment, education, and support in a group environment that is empowering and gives a sense of belonging to women who often feel very isolated.