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Chapter 34: Disability Legislation Considerations for Rehabilitation Practitioners

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  • Golden, Thomas P.
  • Saleh, Matt
  • Bruyère, Susanne M.


This chapter overviews each state workers’ compensation law with an explanation of issues, concerns, or critical areas in service delivery that may arise from it. It aims to contribute to the ability of rehabilitation professionals to assist employers and individuals with disabilities in navigating this maze. Assisting the individual through rehabilitation process to return to productive functioning in the community and in the workplace is the core of the rehabilitation professional’s job. When employment outcomes are part of the rehabilitation goal, knowledge of regulatory requirements that surround the workplace and have an effect on employer and employee behavior is vital for the rehabilitation professional to function effectively. The chapter highlights some of possible areas of conflict or concern that may influence both worker and employer behaviors and has provided a basic introduction for practitioners to pursue further information, given the nature of their services and interventions for persons with disabilities.