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Chapter 8: School-Based Mindfulness Protocols: Manualized and Structured Mindfulness Programs for Schools




This chapter focuses on the current state of mindfulness in school research as well as review several mindfulness programs and interventions for school-age children and adolescents used in the school settings. In 2014, Zenner et al. systematically reviewed the evidence regarding the effects of school-based mindfulness interventions on psychological outcomes, using a comprehensive search strategy designed to locate both published and unpublished studies. In a review of meditation interventions in schools, Waters, Barsky, Ridd, and Allen reviewed evidence from 15 peer-reviewed studies with respect to three student outcomes: well-being, social competence, and academic achievement. A conceptual model is put forward positing that meditation positively influences student success by increasing cognitive functioning and by increasing emotional regulation. Meditation and mindfulness techniques appear to help both cognitive functioning and stress management. Early mindfulness programs include mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), dialectic behavioral therapy (DBT), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).