Nurses as Leaders

Evolutionary Visions of Leadership








Encompassing the wisdom of both established and emerging nurse leaders, this book demonstrates proof of theory in action and the influence of our great nursing legacy on today’s luminaries as they carve out new terrain to benefit current and future health care needs. Readers are handed both a guidebook and compass for personal-professional growth through the intimate narratives of nursing’s most adventurous pioneers, boldest activists, and emerging voices. The book includes chapters from renowned leaders who discuss aspects of their professional contributions in detail and guide the reader to unleash his or her future potential through the lens of nursing. These deeply connect the reader to one of the main intentions of the book: to assert and validate that nurses and a nursing sensibility are vital for the continued evolution of humanity and to ensure that dignity, humane caring, and compassionate, courageous leadership continue to pave the path for the profession and beyond. The book also encapsulates the experiences, messages, work to date, and future directions of accomplished and inspiring nurses who are continuing the conversations started by those who have laid the groundwork or claiming a new domain with which readers can coidentify. It further provides alternate views of nursing as a discipline, promoting leadership capacity for the reader and encouraging individuality and authenticity in nursing praxis.

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