Teaching Cultural Competence in Nursing and Health Care, 3rd Edition

Inquiry, Action, and Innovation








Preparing nurses and other health professionals to provide quality health care in the increasingly multicultural and global society of the 21st century requires a comprehensive approach that emphasizes cultural competence education throughout professional education and professional life. The ideas and suggestions presented in this book are offered to stimulate new ideas and invite health professionals to explore new paths on the journey to developing cultural competence in themselves and in others. The book is divided into five parts. Part I is composed of three chapters filled with resources to help educators begin teaching cultural competence. Essential background information about the multidimensional process of teaching cultural competence offers a valuable guide for educators at all levels who are planning, implementing, and evaluating cultural competence education. Educators and researchers are continually challenged to measure outcomes following educational interventions. Part II addresses this challenge by introducing several quantitative questionnaires and assessment tools and discussing implementation and data interpretation strategies in a detailed, user-friendly approach that can be easily adapted by novice and advanced researchers. The tools include Transcultural Self-Efficacy Tool (TSET) and Clinical Setting Assessment Tool-Diversity and Disparity (CSAT-DD). Parts III, IV, and V offer a wide selection of educational activities that can easily be applied by educators everywhere. Three chapters provide a general overview and a menu of activities for use in three areas: the academic setting, the health care institution, and professional associations. Five chapters creatively link strategies via detailed case exemplars that spotlight various populations and settings. The book’s final chapter presents important implications for educators everywhere.

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