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Chapter 19: Ethical Aspects of Practice Scholarship

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  • Phillips, Marcia
  • Zerwic, Julie Johnson
  • Foreman, Marquis D.


The conduct of any research project requires consideration of ethical issues. The most important of these concerns include obtaining informed consent of the participants, protecting participants from harm, and protection of participant privacy. The process of obtaining approval to conduct a research study varies among clinical settings. Many organizations now favor a nursing research committee that promotes the integration and acculturation of evidence-based practice generating nursing research. Conflict of interest in research is an area of concern for all research activities. It is important to disclose any potential conflicts of interest at the time of institutional review board (IRB) review. The IRB process is a critical and essential step in ensuring the conduct of appropriate and ethical research. It can consume large amounts of time and increase the complexity of the research project. It is important to consider these requirements in developing a timeline for any research project.