Research Article


Psychometric Evaluation of the Chinese Version of the Family Accommodation Scale for Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder Patient Version

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This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the family accommodation scale for obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) patient version (FAS-PV). A total of 171 adult OCD patients and 145 family members were enrolled in the present study. The majority of the adult OCD patients (89.5%) reported engaging in at least one accommodating behavior in the past week. The FAS-PV comprised three components that included (a) direct participation and facilitation, (b) provision of reassurance and assumption, and (c) modification of routines and avoidance. The FAS-PV demonstrated excellent internal consistency. The correlation between the total FAS-PV score and the criteria measure demonstrated excellent convergent validity when assessing the OCD symptom severity, global functioning, family functioning, and functioning impairment. The findings supported that the FAS-PV could be used widely in evaluating and identifying the accommodating behavior both in clinical and in research settings, especially in adult OCD patients who usually present to the clinic alone.

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