Research Article


A Case for Establishing Breastfeeding Medicine: A Quality Needs Assessment at a Large Academic Institution

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Objective: Demand for breastfeeding medicine specialists has increased alongside the recognition of breastfeeding’s importance and complexities. In response, Cleveland Clinic Children’s established a breastfeeding medicine clinic in 2022. This survey aimed to identify the needs of providers to define impactful quality improvement initiatives.

Methods: An anonymous survey was sent in May 2022 to all providers caring for breastfeeding dyads at Cleveland Clinic. Basic statistical analyses were performed on the data.

Results: In all, 126 providers completed the survey (31.0% response rate). Provider-reported patient breastfeeding difficulties included latch issues (86.0%), nipple pain (73.0%), and undersupply (64.0%). Provider needs included access to lactation consultants (66.0%), patient education (58.0%), and a breastfeeding physician (56.0%). Provider-reported patient misconceptions and provider misconceptions were also reported.

Conclusions: The survey identified opportunities for supporting patients and providers by establishing a breastfeeding medicine clinic and highlighted the underestimation of breastfeeding difficulties by both providers and patients.

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