Encyclopedia of Nursing Education









This book is a compilation of the key content will provide a valuable reference and source of important information for nurse educators. It will be useful to new nurse educators and to students in graduate programs in nursing education, either at the master’s or doctoral level. In addition, the encyclopedia will serve as a resource for all levels of faculty in schools of nursing. For each entry, the reader will have a beginning introduction to a topic along with both the most recent and the classic references relevant to nursing education. The alphabetical ordering of entries offers the reader ease in locating a topic. Some of the terms which have entries in the book are academic advising, academic leadership, adult learning, health literacy, health policy, health professions education, holistic nursing care, lifelong learning, NCLEX success, nurse educator certification, nurse scientist, nursing care plans, online learning, patient safety, physical assessment, problem-based learning, professional-community partnership, progression testing, public policy, remediation, research course, research literacy, risk assessment, and scholarship.

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