Handbook of Geriatric Oncology

Practical Guide to Caring for the Older Cancer Patient








This “Handbook of Geriatric Oncology” arrives at an optimal time for the practicing physician, as the number of older adults with cancer is on a steep rise globally. Care of the older patient with cancer is now the “bread and butter” of not only oncologists and geriatricians, but also primary care providers, subspecialists, and members of the multidisciplinary team. The book weaves together the best practices from geriatrics and oncology in order to optimize the care of older adults with cancer. First, this Handbook describes how to assess the older adult and gain a better understanding of the patient’s “functional age” rather than just the chronological age. Second, it provides insight into these patients’ unique areas of physiologic, functional, and social vulnerability, and suggests interventions to help the patient. Third, this Handbook summarizes cutting-edge data that inform best practices in the care of older adults with cancer. Last, and most important, this Handbook suggests how to communicate these findings to a patient. This book is divided into nine sections. The first section gives an overview of Geriatric Oncology. The second section describes Geriatric Syndromes. The third section deals with Geriatric Assessment. The fourth section focuses on Select cancers in the elderly. The fifth section talks about Communication with the older cancer patient. The next three sections review the Nursing home patient with cancer, Models of care: Survivorship and Palliative Care. The final section is an overview of Integrative Medicine. This integration of knowledge and skill sets results in a collaborative informed decision that is in line with the patient’s goals and preferences, maximizing the benefits and minimizing the risks of cancer therapy.

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