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Chapter Fourteen: Graduate Practicum and Internships in College and University Counseling Centers




  • Shelton, Kimber
  • Hunter, Evelyn


The college counseling center provides a diverse clinical experience to graduate trainees. Counseling centers have the ability to provide training for a range of disciplines, including counselors, psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, and other professionals. Master’s-level internship experiences differ from practicum experiences in the number of hours required, the comprehensive nature of training, and the building of a professional identity as a counselor. The doctoral practicum is also an opportunity to amass clinical hours in preparation for applying to a predoctoral internship. Obtaining an internship is an intensive, costly, and at times confusing process. Postdoctoral fellowships in counseling centers can be either formal or informal. Supervision is one of the most critical aspects of counseling center training. Professional development opportunities allow trainees to develop in their professional identities, connect with other trainees and professionals in the community, and build a framework for active postgraduate professional participation.