Physical Change & Aging, 6th Edition

A Guide for the Helping Professions
Archived edition








This book focuses primarily on physical changes and the common pathologies associated with aging, and also considers the psychological and social implications of such changes for human behavior. It is primarily meant for those in the helping professions gerontologists, nurses, social workers, psychologists, rehabilitation specialists, clergy, counselors, and others who seek a better understanding of the physical aspects of aging and their implications for human behavior. Three academic areas have traditionally contributed substantially to gerontology: biological aging, psychological aging, and social aging. After an introduction on the perspectives of aging, the book discusses the stochastic and nonstochastic theories of aging including wear and tear theory, error theory, programmed aging theory and immunological or immunity theory. Chapter 3 looks at some specific age-related changes such as wrinkled skin, gray hair and ridged nails. Then a series of chapters cover age-related changes and age-related disorders in various body systems including musculoskeletal system, nervous system, sensory system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, urinary system and reproductive system. People aging with lifelong disabilities have to face the same aging issues as those that arise for the general population. The book also covers other relevant topics concerning the aged populations such as alcoholism, foot care, falls, acute pain, health promotion and exercise, nutrition and medication. A separate chapter is devoted to complementary, alternative and integrative medicine.

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