Strengths-Based Nursing Care

Health and Healing for Person and Family








This book is for nursing students who are developing their framework of nursing and for experienced nurses who are looking for a new way to practice that honors the uniqueness of each person, places the person and family as the focus and center of care, and understands that problems can best be understood if situated in context and understood within the person’s personal history, culture, belief system, and values of what is important and what holds meaning for them. The book is organized into three sections: The chapters in Part I lay out the theoretical and conceptual foundations underlying strengths-based care (SBC), how SBC is part of a web of other ideas that help the person and family empower themselves to promote their own health and embark on the road of self-healing. Part II examines the tools and strategies required to practice nursing. The chapters in Part III bring together two silos theory and practice and describe what working with strengths looks like in practice. All chapters begin with Learning Objectives to help readers situate themselves in the content of the chapter and to guide them in what to attend to as they read through a chapter. At the end of each chapter are Key Summary Points, a quick synopsis of the major content covered in the chapter.

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